


An entity shall disclose the following for each class of intangible assets, distinguishing between internally generated intangible assets and other intangible assets:

(a) whether the useful lives are indefinite or finite and, if finite, the useful lives or the amortisation rates used;

(b) the amortisation methods used for intangible assets with finite useful lives;

(c) the gross carrying amount and any accumulated amortisation (aggregated with accumulated impairment losses) at the beginning and end of the period;

(d) the line item(s) of the statement of comprehensive income in which any amortisation of intangible assets is included;

(e) a reconciliation of the carrying amount at the beginning and end of the period showing:

(i) additions, indicating separately those from internal development, those acquired separately, and those acquired through business combinations;

(ii) assets classified as held for sale or included in a disposal group classified as held for sale in accordance with AASB 5 and other disposals;

(iii) increases or decreases during the period resulting from revaluations under paragraphs 75, 85 and 86 and from impairment losses recognised or reversed in other comprehensive income in accordance with AASB 136 (if any);

(iv) impairment losses recognised in profit or loss during the period in accordance with AASB 136 (if any);

(v) impairment losses reversed in profit or loss during the period in accordance with AASB 136 (if any);

(vi) any amortisation recognised during the period;

(vii) net exchange differences arising on the translation of the financial statements into the presentation currency, and on the translation of a foreign operation into the presentation currency of the entity; and

(viii) other changes in the carrying amount during the period.


A class of intangible assets is a grouping of assets of a similar nature and use in an entity’s operations. Examples of separate classes may include:

(a) brand names;

(b) mastheads and publishing titles;

(c) computer software;

(d) licences and franchises;

(e) copyrights, patents and other industrial property rights, service and operating rights;

(f) recipes, formulae, models, designs and prototypes; and

(g) intangible assets under development.

The classes mentioned above are disaggregated (aggregated) into smaller (larger) classes if this results in more relevant information for the users of the financial statements.


An entity discloses information on impaired intangible assets in accordance with AASB 136 in addition to the information required by paragraph 118(e)(iii)–(v).


AASB 108 requires an entity to disclose the nature and amount of a change in an accounting estimate that has a material effect in the current period or is expected to have a material effect in subsequent periods. Such disclosure may arise from changes in:

(a) the assessment of an intangible asset’s useful life;

(b) the amortisation method; or

(c) residual values.


An entity shall also disclose:

(a) for an intangible asset assessed as having an indefinite useful life, the carrying amount of that asset and the reasons supporting the assessment of an indefinite useful life. In giving these reasons, the entity shall describe the factor(s) that played a significant role in determining that the asset has an indefinite useful life.

(b) a description, the carrying amount and remaining amortisation period of any individual intangible asset that is material to the entity’s financial statements.

(c) for intangible assets acquired by way of a government grant and initially recognised at fair value (see paragraph 44):

(i) the fair value initially recognised for these assets;

(ii) their carrying amount; and

(iii) whether they are measured after recognition under the cost model or the revaluation model.

(d) the existence and carrying amounts of intangible assets whose title is restricted and the carrying amounts of intangible assets pledged as security for liabilities.

(e) the amount of contractual commitments for the acquisition of intangible assets.


When an entity describes the factor(s) that played a significant role in determining that the useful life of an intangible asset is indefinite, the entity considers the list of factors in paragraph 90.

Intangible assets measured after recognition using the revaluation model


If intangible assets are accounted for at revalued amounts, an entity shall disclose the following:

(a) by class of intangible assets:

(i) the effective date of the revaluation;

(ii) the carrying amount of revalued intangible assets; and

(iii) the carrying amount that would have been recognised had the revalued class of intangible assets been measured after recognition using the cost model in paragraph 74; and

(b) the amount of the revaluation surplus that relates to intangible assets at the beginning and end of the period, indicating the changes during the period and any restrictions on the distribution of the balance to shareholders.

(c) [deleted]


Notwithstanding paragraph 124(a)(iii), in respect of not-for-profit entities, for each revalued class of intangible assets, the requirement to disclose the carrying amount that would have been recognised had the assets been carried under the cost model does not apply.


It may be necessary to aggregate the classes of revalued assets into larger classes for disclosure purposes. However, classes are not aggregated if this would result in the combination of a class of intangible assets that includes amounts measured under both the cost and revaluation models.

Research and development expenditure


An entity shall disclose the aggregate amount of research and development expenditure recognised as an expense during the period.


Research and development expenditure comprises all expenditure that is directly attributable to research or development activities (see paragraphs 66 and 67 for guidance on the type of expenditure to be included for the purpose of the disclosure requirement in paragraph 126).

Other information


An entity is encouraged, but not required, to disclose the following information:

(a) a description of any fully amortised intangible asset that is still in use; and

(b) a brief description of significant intangible assets controlled by the entity but not recognised as assets because they did not meet the recognition criteria in this Standard.