Effective date and transition

Disclosure | Redesignation of financial assets | Applying AASB 4 with AASB 9 | Temporary exemption from AASB 9 | The overlay approach


The transitional provisions in paragraphs 41–45 apply both to an entity that is already applying IFRSs when it first applies this Standard and to an entity that applies Australian Accounting Standards for the first time (a first-time adopter).


An entity shall apply this Standard for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2018. Earlier application is encouraged for periods beginning after 24 July 2014 but before 1 January 2018. If an entity applies this Standard for an earlier period, it shall disclose that fact.


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[Deleted by the AASB]




AASB 2014-5 Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards arising from AASB 15, issued in December 2014, amended the previous version of this Standard as follows: amended paragraphs 4(a) and (c), B7, B18(h) and B21. An entity shall apply those amendments when it applies AASB 15.


AASB 2010-7 Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards arising from AASB 9 (December 2010) (as amended), AASB 2014-1 Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards and AASB 2014-7 Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards arising from AASB 9 (December 2014) amended the previous version of this Standard as follows: amended paragraphs 3, 4, 7, 8, 12, 34, 35, 45, Appendix A and paragraphs B18–B20 and deleted paragraph 41C. Paragraph 41D, added by AASB 2010-7, was deleted by AASB 2014-1. Paragraph 41F, added by AASB 2014-1, was deleted by AASB 2014-7. An entity shall apply those amendments when it applies AASB 9.


AASB 16, issued in February 2016, amended paragraph 4. An entity shall apply that amendment when it applies AASB 16.



An entity need not apply the disclosure requirements in this Standard to comparative information that relates to annual periods beginning before 1 January 2005, except for the disclosures required by paragraph 37(a) and (b) about accounting policies, and recognised assets, liabilities, income and expense (and cash flows if the direct method is used).


If it is impracticable to apply a particular requirement of paragraphs 10–35 to comparative information that relates to annual periods beginning before 1 January 2005, an entity shall disclose that fact. Applying the liability adequacy test (paragraphs 15–19) to such comparative information might sometimes be impracticable, but it is highly unlikely to be impracticable to apply other requirements of paragraphs 10–35 to such comparative information. AASB 108 explains the term ‘impracticable’.


In applying paragraph 39(c)(iii), an entity need not disclose information about claims development that occurred earlier than five years before the end of the first financial year in which it applies this Standard. Furthermore, if it is impracticable, when an entity first applies this Standard, to prepare information about claims development that occurred before the beginning of the earliest period for which an entity presents full comparative information that complies with this Standard, the entity shall disclose that fact.

Redesignation of financial assets


Notwithstanding paragraph 4.4.1 of AASB 9, when an insurer changes its accounting policies for insurance liabilities, it is permitted, but not required, to reclassify some or all of its financial assets so that they are measured at fair value through profit or loss. This reclassification is permitted if an insurer changes accounting policies when it first applies this Standard and if it makes a subsequent policy change permitted by paragraph 22. The reclassification is a change in accounting policy and AASB 108 applies.

Applying AASB 4 with AASB 9

Temporary exemption from AASB 9


Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards – Applying AASB 9 Financial Instruments with AASB 4 Insurance Contracts, issued in October 2016, amended paragraphs 3 and 5, and added paragraphs 20A–20Q, 35A and 39B–39J and headings after paragraphs 20, 20K, 20N and 39A. An entity shall apply those amendments, which permit insurers that meet specified criteria to apply a temporary exemption from AASB 9, for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2018.


An entity that discloses the information required by paragraphs 39B–39J shall use the transitional provisions in AASB 9 that are relevant to making the assessments required for those disclosures. The date of initial application for that purpose shall be deemed to be the beginning of the first annual period beginning on or after 1 January 2018.

The overlay approach


Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards – Applying AASB 9 Financial Instruments with AASB 4 Insurance Contracts, issued in October 2016, amended paragraphs 3 and 5, and added paragraphs 35A–35N and 39K–39M and headings after paragraphs 35A, 35K, 35M and 39J. An entity shall apply those amendments, which permit insurers to apply the overlay approach to designated financial assets, when it first applies AASB 9 (see paragraph 35C).


An entity that elects to apply the overlay approach shall:

(a) apply that approach retrospectively to designated financial assets on transition to AASB 9. Accordingly, for example, the entity shall recognise as an adjustment to the opening balance of accumulated other comprehensive income an amount equal to the difference between the fair value of the designated financial assets determined applying AASB 9 and their carrying amount determined applying AASB 139.

(b) restate comparative information to reflect the overlay approach if, and only if, the entity restates comparative information applying AASB 9.


AASB 2020-8 Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards – Interest Rate Benchmark Reform – Phase 2, which amended AASB 4, AASB 7, AASB 9, AASB 16 and AASB 139, issued in September 2020, added paragraphs 20R–20S and paragraph 51. An entity shall apply these amendments for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2021. Earlier application is permitted. If an entity applies these amendments for an earlier period, it shall disclose that fact. An entity shall apply these amendments retrospectively in accordance with AASB 108, except as specified in paragraph 51.


An entity is not required to restate prior periods to reflect the application of these amendments. The entity may restate prior periods if, and only if, it is possible without the use of hindsight. If an entity does not restate prior periods, the entity shall recognise any difference between the previous carrying amount and the carrying amount at the beginning of the annual reporting period that includes the date of initial application of these amendments in the opening retained earnings (or other component of equity, as appropriate) of the annual reporting period that includes the date of initial application of these amendments.