An entity shall recognise a group of insurance contracts it issues from the earliest of the following:
(a) the beginning of the coverage period of the group of contracts;
(b) the date when the first payment from a policyholder in the group becomes due; and
(c) for a group of onerous contracts, when the group becomes onerous.
If there is no contractual due date, the first payment from the policyholder is deemed to be due when it is received. An entity is required to determine whether any contracts form a group of onerous contracts applying paragraph 16 before the earlier of the dates set out in paragraphs 25(a) and 25(b) if facts and circumstances indicate there is such a group.
In recognising a group of insurance contracts in a reporting period, an entity shall include only contracts that individually meet one of the criteria set out in paragraph 25 and shall make estimates for the discount rates at the date of initial recognition (see paragraph B73) and the coverage units provided in the reporting period (see paragraph B119). An entity may include more contracts in the group after the end of a reporting period, subject to paragraphs 14–22. An entity shall add a contract to the group in the reporting period in which that contract meets one of the criteria set out in paragraph 25. This may result in a change to the determination of the discount rates at the date of initial recognition applying paragraph B73. An entity shall apply the revised rates from the start of the reporting period in which new contracts are added to the group.
Insurance acquisition cash flows (paragraphs B35A‒B35D)
An entity shall allocate insurance acquisition cash flows to groups of insurance contracts using a systematic and rational method applying paragraphs B35A‒B35B, unless it chooses to recognise them as expenses applying paragraph 59(a).
An entity not applying paragraph 59(a) shall recognise as an asset insurance acquisition cash flows paid (or insurance acquisition cash flows for which a liability has been recognised applying another Australian Accounting Standard) before the related group of insurance contracts is recognised. An entity shall recognise such an asset for each related group of insurance contracts.
An entity shall derecognise an asset for insurance acquisition cash flows when the insurance acquisition cash flows are included in the measurement of the related group of insurance contracts applying paragraph 38(c)(i) or paragraph 55(a)(iii).
If paragraph 28 applies, an entity shall apply paragraphs 28B‒28C in accordance with paragraph B35C.
At the end of each reporting period, an entity shall assess the recoverability of an asset for insurance acquisition cash flows if facts and circumstances indicate the asset may be impaired (see paragraph B35D). If an entity identifies an impairment loss, the entity shall adjust the carrying amount of the asset and recognise the impairment loss in profit or loss.
An entity shall recognise in profit or loss a reversal of some or all of an impairment loss previously recognised applying paragraph 28E and increase the carrying amount of the asset, to the extent that the impairment conditions no longer exist or have improved.