Other long-term employee benefits


Other long-term employee benefits include items such as the following, if not expected to be settled wholly before twelve months after the end of the annual reporting period in which the employees render the related service:

(a) long-term paid absences such as long-service or sabbatical leave;

(b) jubilee or other long-service benefits;

(c) long-term disability benefits;

(d) profit-sharing and bonuses; and

(e) deferred remuneration.


The measurement of other long-term employee benefits is not usually subject to the same degree of uncertainty as the measurement of post-employment benefits. For this reason, this Standard requires a simplified method of accounting for other long-term employee benefits. Unlike the accounting required for post-employment benefits, this method does not recognise remeasurements in other comprehensive income.

Recognition and measurement


In recognising and measuring the surplus or deficit in an other long-term employee benefit plan, an entity shall apply paragraphs 56–98 and 113–115. An entity shall apply paragraphs 116–119 in recognising and measuring any reimbursement right.


For other long-term employee benefits, an entity shall recognise the net total of the following amounts in profit or loss, except to the extent that another Australian Accounting Standard requires or permits their inclusion in the cost of an asset:

(a) service cost (see paragraphs 66–112 and paragraph 122A);

(b) net interest on the net defined benefit liability (asset) (see paragraphs 123–126); and

(c) remeasurements of the net defined benefit liability (asset) (see paragraphs 127–130).


One form of other long-term employee benefit is long-term disability benefit. If the level of benefit depends on the length of service, an obligation arises when the service is rendered. Measurement of that obligation reflects the probability that payment will be required and the length of time for which payment is expected to be made. If the level of benefit is the same for any disabled employee regardless of years of service, the expected cost of those benefits is recognised when an event occurs that causes a long-term disability.



Although this Standard does not require specific disclosures about other long-term employee benefits, other Australian Accounting Standards may require disclosures. For example, AASB 124 requires disclosures about employee benefits for key management personnel. AASB 101 requires disclosure of employee benefits expense.