Illustrative example

This example accompanies, but is not part of, AASB Interpretation 132. Its purpose is to illustrate examples of expenditure that occur during each of the stages described in paragraphs 2 and 3 of Interpretation 132 and illustrate application of Interpretation 132 to assist in clarifying its meaning. It is not intended to be a comprehensive checklist of expenditure that might be incurred.

Example application of Interpretation 132

Stage/nature of expenditure

Accounting treatment


               undertaking feasibility studies

               defining hardware and software specifications

               evaluating alternative products and suppliers

               selecting preferences

Recognise as an expense when incurred in accordance with AASB 138.54

Application and infrastructure development

               purchasing or developing hardware

Apply the requirements of AASB 116

               obtaining a domain name

               developing operating software (eg operating system and server software)

               developing code for the application

               installing developed applications on the web server

               stress testing

Recognise as an expense when incurred, unless the expenditure can be directly attributed to preparing the web site to operate in the manner intended by management, and the web site meets the recognition criteria in AASB 138.21 and AASB 138.57(a)

Graphical design development

               designing the appearance (eg layout and colour) of web pages

Recognise as an expense when incurred, unless the expenditure can be directly attributed to preparing the web site to operate in the manner intended by management, and the web site meets the recognition criteria in AASB 138.21 and AASB 138.57(a)

Content development

               creating, purchasing, preparing (eg creating links and identifying tags), and uploading information, either textual or graphical in nature, on the web site before the completion of the web site’s development. Examples of content include information about an entity, products or services offered for sale, and topics that subscribers access

Recognise as an expense when incurred in accordance with AASB 138.69(c) to the extent that content is developed to advertise and promote an entity’s own products and services (eg digital photographs of products). Otherwise, recognise as an expense when incurred, unless the expenditure can be directly attributed to preparing the web site to operate in the manner intended by management, and the web site meets the recognition criteria in AASB 138.21 and AASB 138.57(a)


               updating graphics and revising content

               adding new functions, features and content

               registering the web site with search engines

               backing up data

               reviewing security access

               analysing usage of the web site

Assess whether it meets the definition of an intangible asset and the recognition criteria set out in AASB 138.18, in which case the expenditure is recognised in the carrying amount of the web site asset


               selling, administrative and other general overhead expenditure unless it can be directly attributed to preparing the web site for use to operate in the manner intended by management

               clearly identified inefficiencies and initial operating losses incurred before the web site achieves planned performance [eg false start testing]

               training employees to operate the web site

Recognise as an expense when incurred in accordance with AASB 138.65–.70

(a)            All expenditure on developing a web site solely or primarily for promoting and advertising an entity’s own products and services is recognised as an expense when incurred in accordance with AASB 138.68.