

Investments in foreign operations may be held directly by a parent entity or indirectly by its subsidiary or subsidiaries. The issues addressed in this Interpretation are:

(a) the nature of the hedged risk and the amount of the hedged item for which a hedging relationship may be designated:

(i) whether the parent entity may designate as a hedged risk only the foreign exchange differences arising from a difference between the functional currencies of the parent entity and its foreign operation, or whether it may also designate as the hedged risk the foreign exchange differences arising from the difference between the presentation currency of the parent entity’s consolidated financial statements and the functional currency of the foreign operation;

(ii) if the parent entity holds the foreign operation indirectly, whether the hedged risk may include only the foreign exchange differences arising from differences in functional currencies between the foreign operation and its immediate parent entity, or whether the hedged risk may also include any foreign exchange differences between the functional currency of the foreign operation and any intermediate or ultimate parent entity (ie whether the fact that the net investment in the foreign operation is held through an intermediate parent affects the economic risk to the ultimate parent).

(b) where in a group the hedging instrument can be held:

(i) whether a qualifying hedge accounting relationship can be established only if the entity hedging its net investment is a party to the hedging instrument or whether any entity in the group, regardless of its functional currency, can hold the hedging instrument;

(ii) whether the nature of the hedging instrument (derivative or non-derivative) or the method of consolidation affects the assessment of hedge effectiveness.

(c) what amounts should be reclassified from equity to profit or loss as reclassification adjustments on disposal of the foreign operation:

(i) when a foreign operation that was hedged is disposed of, what amounts from the parent entity’s foreign currency translation reserve in respect of the hedging instrument and in respect of that foreign operation should be reclassified from equity to profit or loss in the parent entity’s consolidated financial statements;

(ii) whether the method of consolidation affects the determination of the amounts to be reclassified from equity to profit or loss.