Appendix A -- Defined terms

ABS GFS Manual | entity within the GGS | General Government Sector (GGS) | government | government units | institutional unit | non-profit institution

This appendix is an integral part of AASB 1055.

ABS GFS Manual


Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) publications Australian System of Government Finance Statistics: Concepts, Sources and Methods, 2005 (ABS Catalogue no. 5514.0) and Amendments to Australian System of Government Finance Statistics, 2005 (ABS Catalogue No. 5514.0) published on the ABS website.

entity within the GGS


Any legal, administrative, or fiduciary arrangement, organisational structure or other party (including a person) within the GGS having the capacity to deploy scarce resources in order to achieve objectives.

General Government Sector (GGS)


Institutional sector comprising all government units and non-profit institutions controlled and mainly financed by government. Defined in the ABS GFS Manual (Glossary, page 256).



The Australian Government, the Government of the Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, the Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria or Western Australia.

government units


Unique kinds of legal entities established by political processes which have legislative, judicial or executive authority over other institutional units within a given area and which: (i) provide goods and services to the community and/or individuals free of charge or at prices that are not economically significant; and (ii) redistribute income and wealth by means of taxes and other compulsory transfers. Defined in the ABS GFS Manual (Glossary, page 257).

institutional unit


An economic entity that is capable, in its own right, of owning assets, incurring liabilities and engaging in economic activities and in transactions with other entities. Defined in the ABS GFS Manual (Glossary, page 257).

non-profit institution


A legal or social entity that is created for the purpose of producing or distributing goods and services but is not permitted to be a source of income, profit or other financial gain for the units that establish, control or finance it. Defined in the ABS GFS Manual (Glossary, page 260).