Illustrative examples

These examples accompany, but are not part of, AASB Interpretation 1.

Common facts


An entity has a nuclear power plant and a related decommissioning liability. The nuclear power plant started operating on 1 January 2000. The plant has a useful life of 40 years. Its initial cost was CU120,000;[1]  this included an amount for decommissioning costs of CU10,000, which represented CU70,400 in estimated cash flows payable in 40 years discounted at a risk-adjusted rate of 5 per cent. The entity’s financial year ends on 31 December.


In these examples, monetary amounts are denominated in ‘currency units (CU)’.


For examples of this principle, see AASB 136 Impairment of Assets and AASB 140 Investment Property.

Example 1: Cost model


On 31 December 2009, the plant is 10 years old. Accumulated depreciation is CU30,000 (CU120,000 × 10/40 years). Because of the unwinding of discount (5 per cent) over the 10 years, the decommissioning liability has grown from CU10,000 to CU16,300.


On 31 December 2009, the discount rate has not changed. However, the entity estimates that, as a result of technological advances, the net present value of the decommissioning liability has decreased by CU8,000. Accordingly, the entity adjusts the decommissioning liability from CU16,300 to CU8,300. On this date, the entity makes the following journal entry to reflect the change:






Dr decommissioning liability




Cr cost of asset



Following this adjustment, the carrying amount of the asset is CU82,000 (CU120,000 – CU8,000 – CU30,000), which will be depreciated over the remaining 30 years of the asset’s life giving a depreciation expense for the next year of CU2,733 (CU82,000 ÷ 30). The next year’s finance cost for the unwinding of the discount will be CU415 (CU8,300 × 5 per cent).


If the change in the liability had resulted from a change in the discount rate, instead of a change in the estimated cash flows, the accounting for the change would have been the same but the next year’s finance cost would have reflected the new discount rate.

Example 2: Revaluation model


The entity adopts the revaluation model in AASB 116 whereby the plant is revalued with sufficient regularity that the carrying amount does not differ materially from fair value. The entity’s policy is to eliminate accumulated depreciation at the revaluation date against the gross carrying amount of the asset.


When accounting for revalued assets to which decommissioning liabilities attach, it is important to understand the basis of the valuation obtained. For example:

(a)            if an asset is valued on a discounted cash flow basis, some valuers may value the asset without deducting any allowance for decommissioning costs (a ‘gross’ valuation), whereas others may value the asset after deducting an allowance for decommissioning costs (a ‘net’ valuation), because an entity acquiring the asset will generally also assume the decommissioning obligation. For financial reporting purposes, the decommissioning obligation is recognised as a separate liability, and is not deducted from the asset. Accordingly, if the asset is valued on a net basis, it is necessary to adjust the valuation obtained by adding back the allowance for the liability, so that the liability is not counted twice.[2]

(b)            if an asset is valued on a depreciated replacement cost basis, the valuation obtained may not include an amount for the decommissioning component of the asset. If it does not, an appropriate amount will need to be added to the valuation to reflect the depreciated replacement cost of that component.


For examples of this principle, see AASB 136 Impairment of Assets and AASB 140 Investment Property.


Assume that a market-based discounted cash flow valuation of CU115,000 is obtained at 31 December 2002. It includes an allowance of CU11,600 for decommissioning costs, which represents no change to the original estimate, after the unwinding of three years’ discount. The amounts included in the statement of financial position at 31 December 2002 are therefore:



The depreciation expense for 2003 is therefore CU3,420 (CU126,600 × 1/37) and the discount expense for 2003 is CU600 (5 per cent of CU11,600). On 31 December 2003, the decommissioning liability (before any adjustment) is CU12,200 and the discount rate has not changed. However, on that date, the entity estimates that, as a result of technological advances, the present value of the decommissioning liability has decreased by CU5,000. Accordingly, the entity adjusts the decommissioning liability from CU12,200 to CU7,200.


The whole of this adjustment is taken to revaluation surplus, because it does not exceed the carrying amount that would have been recognised had the asset been carried under the cost model. If it had done, the excess would have been taken to profit or loss in accordance with paragraph 6(b). The entity makes the following journal entry to reflect the change:



The entity decides that a full valuation of the asset is needed at 31 December 2003, in order to ensure that the carrying amount does not differ materially from fair value. Suppose that the asset is now valued at CU107,000, which is net of an allowance of CU7,200 for the reduced decommissioning obligation that should be recognised as a separate liability. The valuation of the asset for financial reporting purposes, before deducting this allowance, is therefore CU114,200. The following additional journal entry is needed:


Following this valuation, the amounts included in the statement of financial position are:

Example 3: Transition


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