Appendix -- Defined terms

general purpose financial statements | reporting entity

This appendix is an integral part of AASB 1057.

general purpose financial statements


Financial statements that are intended to meet the needs of users who are not in a position to require an entity to prepare reports tailored to their particular information needs.

reporting entity


An entity in respect of which it is reasonable to expect the existence of users who rely on the entity’s general purpose financial statements for information that will be useful to them for making and evaluating decisions about the allocation of resources. A reporting entity can be a single entity or a group comprising a parent and all of its subsidiaries.

This reporting entity definition is not relevant to:

(a) for-profit private sector entities that are required by legislation to prepare financial statements that comply with either Australian Accounting Standards or accounting standards;

(b) other for-profit private sector entities that are required only by their constituting document or another document to prepare financial statements that comply with Australian Accounting Standards, provided that the relevant document was created or amended on or after 1 July 2021; and

(c) other for-profit entities (private sector or public sector) that elect to prepare general purpose financial statements.