

A change in the tax status of an entity or of its shareholders may have consequences for an entity by increasing or decreasing its tax liabilities or assets. This may, for example, occur upon the public listing of an entity’s equity instruments or upon the restructuring of an entity’s equity. It may also occur upon a controlling shareholder’s move to a foreign country. As a result of such an event, an entity may be taxed differently; it may for example gain or lose tax incentives or become subject to a different rate of tax in the future.


A change in the tax status of an entity or its shareholders may have an immediate effect on the entity’s current tax liabilities or assets. The change may also increase or decrease the deferred tax liabilities and assets recognised by the entity, depending on the effect the change in tax status has on the tax consequences that will arise from recovering or settling the carrying amount of the entity’s assets and liabilities.


The issue is how an entity should account for the tax consequences of a change in its tax status or that of its shareholders.