

This Interpretation applies to the following types of non-reciprocal distributions of assets by an entity to its owners acting in their capacity as owners:

(a) distributions of non-cash assets (eg items of property, plant and equipment, businesses as defined in AASB 3, ownership interests in another entity or disposal groups as defined in AASB 5); and

(b) distributions that give owners a choice of receiving either non-cash assets or a cash alternative.


This Interpretation applies only to distributions in which all owners of the same class of equity instruments are treated equally.


This Interpretation does not apply to a distribution of a non-cash asset that is ultimately controlled by the same party or parties before and after the distribution. This exclusion applies to the separate, individual and consolidated financial statements of an entity that makes the distribution.


In accordance with paragraph 5, this Interpretation does not apply when the non-cash asset is ultimately controlled by the same parties both before and after the distribution. Paragraph B2 of AASB 3 states that ‘A group of individuals shall be regarded as controlling an entity when, as a result of contractual arrangements, they collectively have the power to govern its financial and operating policies so as to obtain benefits from its activities.’ Therefore, for a distribution to be outside the scope of this Interpretation on the basis that the same parties control the asset both before and after the distribution, a group of individual shareholders receiving the distribution must have, as a result of contractual arrangements, such ultimate collective power over the entity making the distribution.


In accordance with paragraph 5, this Interpretation does not apply when an entity distributes some of its ownership interests in a subsidiary but retains control of the subsidiary. The entity making a distribution that results in the entity recognising a non-controlling interest in its subsidiary accounts for the distribution in accordance with AASB 10.


This Interpretation addresses only the accounting by an entity that makes a non-cash asset distribution. It does not address the accounting by shareholders who receive such a distribution.