Transitional provisions


Paragraphs 53–59 shall not be applied by entities that have previously applied AASB 2 (July 2004), unless required to do so by this or another Australian Accounting Standard.


For equity-settled share-based payment transactions, the entity shall apply this Standard to grants of shares, share options or other equity instruments that were granted after 7 November 2002 and had not yet vested at the effective date of this Standard.


The entity is encouraged, but not required, to apply this Standard to other grants of equity instruments if the entity has disclosed publicly the fair value of those equity instruments, determined at the measurement date.


For all grants of equity instruments to which this Standard is applied, the entity shall restate comparative information and, where applicable, adjust the opening balance of retained earnings for the earliest period presented.


For all grants of equity instruments to which this Standard has not been applied (eg equity instruments granted on or before 7 November 2002), the entity shall nevertheless disclose the information required by paragraphs 44 and 45.


If, after the Standard becomes effective, an entity modifies the terms or conditions of a grant of equity instruments to which this Standard has not been applied, the entity shall nevertheless apply paragraphs 26–29 to account for any such modifications.


For liabilities arising from share-based payment transactions existing at the effective date of this Standard, the entity shall apply the Standard retrospectively. For these liabilities, the entity shall restate comparative information, including adjusting the opening balance of retained earnings in the earliest period presented for which comparative information has been restated, except that the entity is not required to restate comparative information to the extent that the information relates to a period or date that is earlier than 7 November 2002.


The entity is encouraged, but not required, to apply retrospectively the Standard to other liabilities arising from share-based payment transactions, for example, to liabilities that were settled during a period for which comparative information is presented.


An entity shall apply the amendments in paragraphs 30–31, 33–33H and B44A–B44C as set out below. Prior periods shall not be restated.

(a) The amendments in paragraphs B44A–B44C apply only to modifications that occur on or after the date that an entity first applies the amendments.

(b) The amendments in paragraphs 30–31 and 33–33D apply to share-based payment transactions that are unvested at the date that an entity first applies the amendments and to share-based payment transactions with a grant date on or after the date that an entity first applies the amendments. For unvested share-based payment transactions granted prior to the date that an entity first applies the amendments, an entity shall remeasure the liability at that date and recognise the effect of the remeasurement in opening retained earnings (or other component of equity, as appropriate) of the reporting period in which the amendments are first applied.

(c) The amendments in paragraphs 33E–33H and the amendment to paragraph 52 apply to share-based payment transactions that are unvested (or vested but unexercised), at the date that an entity first applies the amendments and to share-based payment transactions with a grant date on or after the date that an entity first applies the amendments. For unvested (or vested but unexercised) share-based payment transactions (or components thereof) that were previously classified as cash-settled share-based payments but now are classified as equity-settled in accordance with the amendments, an entity shall reclassify the carrying value of the share-based payment liability to equity at the date that it first applies the amendments.


Notwithstanding the requirements in paragraph 59A, an entity may apply the amendments in paragraph 63D retrospectively, subject to the transitional provisions in paragraphs 53–59 of this Standard, in accordance with AASB 108 Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors if and only if it is possible without hindsight. If an entity elects retrospective application, it must do so for all of the amendments made by AASB 2016-5 Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards – Classification and Measurement of Share-based Payment Transactions.