

The acquirer shall disclose information that enables users of its financial statements to evaluate the nature and financial effect of a business combination that occurs either:

(a) during the current reporting period; or

(b) after the end of the reporting period but before the financial statements are authorised for issue.


To meet the objective in paragraph 59, the acquirer shall disclose the information specified in paragraphs B64–B66.


The acquirer shall disclose information that enables users of its financial statements to evaluate the financial effects of adjustments recognised in the current reporting period that relate to business combinations that occurred in the period or previous reporting periods.


To meet the objective in paragraph 61, the acquirer shall disclose the information specified in paragraph B67.


If the specific disclosures required by this and other Australian Accounting Standards do not meet the objectives set out in paragraphs 59 and 61, the acquirer shall disclose whatever additional information is necessary to meet those objectives.